About Us


Company Profile

PT. Sadata Karya, PT established in Jakarta‐Indonesia in year 2010.

PT. Sadata Karya’s main areas are:
1. Mechanical Equipment and Electrical Supply and Installation
2. Steel Structure Fabrication and Construction
3. Material and equipment handling.

To compete with other similar companies, we have built a strong commitment toward
customer’s requirements by following International Standard related to the nature of business.

Our engineers have qualifications in Mechanical, Electrical, and Civil. It is covering all aspects of project development, from concept generation until installation.

Head Office:
Address : Jl. Dahlia Raya No.19 Depok Jaya‐Depok
Phone : +62 21 7759169
Fax No. : +62 21 7759169
E‐mail address : sadatakarya@sadatakarya.co.id

Representative Office:
Address : Jl. Taman Kebon Sirih IV No.3 Kampung Bali, Tanah Abang -Jakarta Pusat
Phone : +62 21 21392718
Fax No. : +62 21 21392718
E‐mail address : sadatakarya@sadatakarya.co.id

Company Legality

  •  NPWP no.31.176.578.8‐412.000
  • Surat Pengukuhan PKP : PEM‐00133/WPJ.22/KP.0903/2011
  • Akte 352, 26 Maret 2010 (akte pendirian awal)
  • Akte 139, 24 September 2013 (Perubahan I)
  • Akte 3, 28 Desember 2019 (Perubahan Terakhir)
  • Surat Keterangan Domisili Perusahaan no.503/083/Kpts/HO‐BPMP2T/I/2014
  • Surat Ijin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) no.0299/10‐27/ PK//V/2015
  • Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) no.
  • NIB 9120402872624
  • BPJS Kesehatan 9120402872624
  • BPJS Ketenagakerjaan 9120402872624
  • Sertifikat Kepesertaan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan 200000000927779 (No. Peserta

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